The second part are my personal hints for compiling many packages from source without cluttering the main system. I store everything in a NFS mountable directory /opt and everything should run on a remote an unmodified system just by mounting or copying the application to /opt on a server.
Nowadays most LaTeX users convert their eps images to pdf and use pdflatex to directly generate a PDF file from the LaTeX source. However, many EPS files contain binary garbage (thumbnails) at the begin and the end (notably the ones generated on MS-Windows and/or using Adobe "Professional"). This garbage causes EPSTOPDF and others to fail or generate wrong pdf output. I couldn't find any program to strip this rubbish from the EPS, so I decided to write my own.
Simply download the source from above, compile it using "gcc -Wall -o stripepsthumbs stripepsthumbs.c" and run it on your eps files to produce a clean output : "stripepsthumbs figure.eps fixedfigured.eps"