Partial Differential Equations (Wi2607 and Wi4150)

On this page you can find information concerning the practical works for Wi2607 (Wim van Horssen) and Wi4150 (Henk Schuttelaars) :

  1. Worksheets plus some library functions for the Maple practice (for download as they only work inside Maple !)

    Note that some parts of the sheets need the library functions (files ending with .txt) to be in the same directory as the worksheets !

  2. The latest version of the (simple) Maple manual by our department :
  3. An additional document about 1st order Partial Differential Equations :
  4. Hints and common pitfalls while working with Maple
  5. An animation of a circular membrane inside Maple

Last modified by K. Lemmens,
January 18, 2011