This directory contains a 2D and 3D black box multigrid package for solving potential type problems. A full description will be found in mgdesc.txt Language: Fortran 90 mgpreset.f is a MODULE containing presets and named constants. This is part of both the 2D and 3D package and has to be compiled FIRST. When compiling the rest of the source an include flag (-I) must point to the directory where mgpreset.MOD resides, otherwise you'll end up with lots of undefined variables. The 2D package is in subdirectory 2D, the 3D package in sd 3D. mg#f.tar.gz contains the actual multigrid routines. dfc and bicg are example programs that show how to use the package as defect correction or Bi-Cg(Stab) preconditioner respectively. Some extra routines needed for the programs are provided in bicg#f.tar.gz. If the user wants to solve his own problem(s) he himself has to provide the subroutines: fillmat.f fillvec.f