by Jos van Kan

Playing at match points you get with all vulnerable as West in second seat one of your usual hands:

S: JT832 
H: 864 
D: 75 
C: T84 
While congratulating yourself that you aren't playing for money but nonetheless wishing that you had stayed in bed this time you hear RHO open 1C: and while you preserve a gloomy and your partner a stony silence the bidding continues:
1C: 1H:
1NT 3D:
and all pass. With no particularly attractive alternative you decide to lead a spade, and because this is Match Points you don't especially like to give away a trick and therefore you lead S:J. The following whale of a dummy hits:
H: AKJ53 
D: KT432 
C: A9
 Well, that S:J was an unnecessary sacrifice, but that can't be helped. The first trick goes to partner's Ace, as declarer drops the 6. That is a pleasant surprise. Partner continues S:4 to declarer's 7 and your 8. Dummy discards a H:.


  1.  Who has S:K?
  2.  Could there be danger in continuing Spades?
  3.  What would partner return from S: A54 after winning S:A?
  4.  How many S: does declarer have?
  5.  How do you defend?

Copyright © 1997 by Jos van Kan. All rights reserved