This seminar has already taken place. This page has been updated with downloads of the presentations.
We thank all speakers and participants for making it such a successful meeting.

Aim of the seminar

The Helmholtz equation appears in a wide range of science and engineering disciplines in which wave propagation is modeled. Solving this equation numerically is notoriously difficult. A landmark contribution in reducing the computational complexity is the publication of the Complex Shifted Laplace preconditioner by the TU Delft 10 years ago. In recent work the TU Delft group headed by Prof. Kees Vuik has developed an algorithmic extension that further reduces the computational burden.

The aim of this seminar is to celebrate the Complex Shifted Laplace preconditioner, to put its development in perspective, to showcase recent development and to look into the future. Three speakers from academia and two from industry will share their unique insights into this field. The workshop should therefore appeal to both computational scientists as well as engineers in e.g. acoustics, seismics and vibrational engineering.

Date and location: The seminar will be held on Monday, May 18, 2015 in the Snijderzaal at Faculty EEMCS, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4.

Registration: To participate register here before May 1, 2015. Participation is free of charge.

Organization: Domenico Lahaye (TU Delft), Jok Tang (TU Delft/VORtech) and Kees Vuik (TU Delft).



Dr. Rene-Edouard Plessix is a principal researcher at Shell Global Solutions International. He has been working on seismic modelling including solving the Helmholtz equation.

Dr. Christiaan Stolk is an associate professor at University of Amsterdam. He has been working on multigrid methods for Helmholtz equations.

Dr. Michel Tournour is a product development manager at Siemens Industry Software.

Prof.dr. Ira Livshits is an associate professor at Ball State University in the USA. She has been working on multigrid solvers for the Helmholtz equation.

Prof.dr.ir Kees Vuik is a full professor at Delft University of Technology. He is one of the leading researchers on the solvers for the Helmholtz equation.

click here for titles, abstracts and slides



13:30-13:45: Welcome Reception

13:45-14:00: Welcome by Dr.ir. J.M. Tang

14:00-14:30: Talk by Dr. R.-E. Plessix

14:30-15:00: Talk by Dr. C.C. Stolk

15:00-15:30: Talk by Dr. M. Tournour

15:30-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-16:30: Talk by Prof.dr. I. Livshits

16:30-17:00: Talk by Prof.dr.ir. C. Vuik

17:00-17:15: Closing by Dr. D.J.P. Lahaye

17:15-18:00: Closing Reception