Het effect van synaps morfologie op de overspraak tussen synapsen in de hersenen
Tamara Kloek

Dagelijks begeleiders: Fred Vermolen en Remy Kusters van de TU Eindhoven

Plaats van afstuderen: TU Delft

start van afstuderen: maart 2015

In juni 2015 is de scriptie verschenen en een presentatie gegeven.

De afstudeeropdracht is in december 2015 afgerond met het schrijven van het afstudeerverslag en het geven van de afstudeervoordracht.

Huidige adresgegevens etc. zijn te vinden op onze alumnipagina.

Korte omschrijving van de afstudeeropdracht:

Diffusive processes on curved surfaces are very relevant for cellular processes and are increasingly used to characterize the behavior of proteins in cell membranes. More specifically, neurotransmitter receptors are present in the cell membranes of neurons (nerve cells) and are important for the signal transduction at synapses, which are the specializations through which neurons communicate. The morphology of the cell membrane at these synapses is non-trivial and this shape strongly affects the receptor diffusion [1].

The typical shape of a single synapse and its impact on the diffusive process has been studied [1,2]. An open question however is how this shape affects the cross-talk between multiple synapses connected to the same dendrite. In other words, how does the release of receptors in one synapse influence the concentration in neighboring synapses. To study this we set up a diffusion model that integrates the morphology of multiple synapses.

[1] Kusters, R., Kapitein, L. C., Hoogenraad, C. C., & Storm, C. (2013). Shape-induced asymmetric diffusion in dendritic spines allows efficient synaptic AMPA receptor trapping. *Biophysical journal*, *105*(12), 2743-2750.

[2] Kusters, R., & Storm, C. (2014). Impact of morphology on diffusive dynamics on curved surfaces. *Physical Review E*, *89*(3), 032723.

Contact informatie: Kees Vuik

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