Contents of Dictaat Parallel Rekenen II (A117)
- Introduction to the application TRIWAQ
- Introduction
- The continuous mathematical problem
- The finite difference method
- Amount of calculations
- Analysis of the sequential software
- Approach of the parallelisation
- Grid partitioning
- Communication and synchronisation
- Modifications to the algorithm
- iterative solution methods
- integration schemes
- spatial discretisations
- alternatives to finite differences
- Introduction to the Parallelisation of DIANA
- Introduction
- The FEM solution process
- The architecture of the DIANA software package
- Problem analysis
- A methodology for parallel FEM computations
- Domain decomposition
- Block data structures for sparse matrices
- The depedence graph of the parallel block solution
- A macro dataflow implementation
- Results and concluding remarks
- Parallel software design for CFD problems
- Introduction
- Abstraction in software
- Different forms of abstraction
- Two basic abstraction mechanisms: procedural abstraction and data abstraction
- Elementary Steps in software development
- The development steps
- The development steps in a formal framework
- Solving a Matrix equation as an illustration
- Formal specification and realisation of a procedural abstraction
- Data reification
- Realisation of procedural abstraction and data
- A glance at software development methods
- What driven development
- How-driven development
- General notations - specification languages
- A rigorous approach
- Application of the Approach on a 2D heat transfer problem
- Introduction
- Physical and continuous mathematical model
- Discrete mathematical model
- Towards arrays, a normalised grid-function
- A matrix equation
- Data refinement for parallel computing
- The impact on the applications TRIWAQ and DIANA
- Conclusions
- Graph partitioning in parallel processing
- Introduction
- Review of graph terminology
- Graphs in parallel processing
- Partitioning Graphs
- Classes of Partitioning Methods
- Dynamical methods
- Partitioning Methods for (Internally) Regular grids
- Partitioning Methods for General Graphs
- Optimisation Methods
- Partitioning for TRIWAQ and DIANA
- Mapping and task scheduling
- Introduction
- Scheduling without communication cost
- List scheduling
- Comparisons
- Communication are not free
- Load balancing communication scheduling
- Scheduling precedence graphs
- Dynamic task scheduling
- Appendix: Introduction to finite element method
- References
- Index
Eric ten Cate
Mon Mar 25 16:00:23 MET 1996