Contents: Principle and basic techniques of parallel computing. Concepts of the interplay between parallel algorithmic and architecture and programming of parallel computers. Parallel algorithms and parallel programming models (such as shared-variable, message-passing, etc.) are discussed. Basic concepts of problem decomposition, scheduling and mapping for parallel computation in large scale computational science\&engineering problems are considered. The lab exercise comprises the solution of a problem on a parallel computer. For an overview of the course subjects of the academic year 2004/2005 see Teaching-2005.
Further information about this course can be found in: List of contents, Foreword, Introduction. (These are the parts from the lectures notes).
Materiaal: Lectures notes (in English), available at "diktatenverkoop" of EWI (Mekelweg 4, ground floor, lage bouw) You can find the sheets presented at the lectures on the Blackboard system under "Course Documents" of course wi4017.
Teaching: Lectures and lab exercise.
Lectures: The lectures will start at April 12, 2005.(DOI schedule this year)
Time: Tuesday evening 19:00-22:00 from April 12 and April 19 2005,
Thursday 19:00-22:00 from April 14 to May 19, 2005.
Place: Room F (Building EWI, Mekelweg 4).
Lab exercise:
In the 3rd week, lab exercise will be scheduled on Teusday eveing 19:00-22:00i in room HB 05.150 (Building EWI, Mekelweg 4).
It starts with an introduction to MPI and the cluster computer system.
Examination: wriiten exams with lab exercise, or assignment.
Examination date(s): Wednesday, June 15, 2005, 19:00-22:00.
You can find an overview of the topics taught in the year 2003/2004 here, and an example of old exam (in html, several math symbols are incorrect) or (in postscript), with the answers of the example exam.
Results of the examination on March 22, 2004
Key words: parallel numerical algorithms, parallel computers, parallel programming, problem decomposition and partitioning, load balancing, mapping and scheduling, communication, synchronisation and coordination (orchestration) of parallel processes.
It aims to let students acquainted with practical aspects of parallel computing and the differences with sequential computing. Learn how to analyse the parallelism in a given problem and how to implement them efficiently. Get some experiences with parallel programming of parallel algorithms on a parallel computer.
Registration: You can register for the lab exercise with H.X. Lin (ITS/Mekelweg, Room HB05.040). The assignments of lab exercise will be sent to you after the registration.