Research Projects and Publications
Machine Learning and Data
Assimilation for improving Air Quality Modelling
M. Xu, J. Jin, G. Wang, A Segers, T. Deng, H.X. Lin (2021), Machine learning based bias
correction for numerical chemical transport models, Atmospheric Environment, 118022
J. Jin, H.X. Lin,
A. Segers, Y. Xie, A.W. Heemink (2019), Machine learning for observation bias correction
with application to dust storm data assimilation, Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics, Vol.19, pp. 10009—10026.
H.X. Lin, J. Jin, H.J. van den Herik (2019), Air Quality
Forecast through Integrated Data Assimilation and Machine Learning, in Proc. 11th International
Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019).
T. Deng, A. Cheng,
W. Han, H.X. Lin (2019), Visibility Forecast for airport operations by LSTM Neural Network, in Proc. 11th
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019).
Spatially varying
parameter estimation for dust emissions using reduced-tangent-linearization
4DVar, Atmospheric
Environment, Vol.187, pp. 358-373.
G. Fu, F. Prata, H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink,
S. Lu, A.J. Segers (2017) Data assimilation for volcanic ash plumes using a
Satellite Observational Operator: a case study on the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull
volcanic eruption, Atmospheric Chemistry
and Physics, Vol17(2), pp. 1187—1205.
Estimation of volcanic ash emissions through
assimilating satellite data and ground-based observations
G. Fu, A.W. Heemink,
S. Lu, A.J. Segers, K. Weber, H.X. Lin (2016) Model-based
aviation advice on distal volcanic ash clouds by assimilating aircraft in-situ
measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Learning Methods and other Applications
C. Xiao, O. Leeuwenburgh,
H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink (2021), Conditioning of Deep-Learning
Surrogate Models to Image Data with Application to Reservoir Characterization, Knowledge Based Systems.
C. Xiao, H.X. Lin, O. Leeuwenburgh, A.W. Heemink
(2022), Surrogate-assisted inversion for large-scale history
matching: comparative study between projection-based reduced-order modelling
and deep neural network, Journal
of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
J. Zhou, Y. Bai, Y. Guo, H.X.
Lin (2021), Intuitionistic Fuzzy Laplacian Twin Support Vector
Machine for Semi-supervised Classification, Journal
of Operations Research Society of China.
Liang, Y. Bai, H.X. Lin (2019), A splitting method for the locality regularized
semi-supervised subspace clustering,
An inexact splitting
method for the subspace segmentation from incomplete and noisy observations, Journal of Global Optimization,
(2), pp 411–429.
Xiao, A.W. Heemink, H.X. Lin, O. Leeuwenburgh
(2020), Deep-Learning Inversion to Efficiently Handle Big-Data
Assimilation: Application to Seismic History Matching, Proceedings ECMOR XVII, Volume 2020, pp.
Emotion Recognition Using Voiced Segment Selection Algorithm
A. van
Rossum, H.X. Lin, J. Dubbeldam, H.J. van den Herik
(2016), Nonparametric Bayesian Line Detection
- Towards Proper Priors for Robotic Computer Vision, in Proc. 5th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(ICPRAM 2016), pp.119-127. (Best Paper Award)
J. Zhou,
T.J. Luo, H.X. Lin (2010), A
novel recommendation system
with collective intelligence, Proceedings of
the 2010 IEEE
2nd Symposium on
Web Society.
S. Wang, G.H. Careira, H.X. Lin (2019), Exploring the Performance of Different On-Demand Transit Services Provided by a Fleet of Shared Automated Vehicles: An Agent-Based Model, Journal of Advanced Transportation
Power-Imbalance Allocation Control of Power Systems-Secondary Frequency Control, Automatica 92, pp. 72-85.
Analysis of
feed-in tariff policies for solar photovoltaic in China 2011–2016, Applied Energy, 203, pp.296-505.
Ongoing PhD Research Projects
- M. Pang, (Collaboration: TNO, Nanjing University of Information
Science and Technology, TUD)
- K.
Li, (Collaboration: Leiden University, TUD)
- Y. Huan, and L. Ye, Big Data, Integration of EV battery as Virtual
Storage for VREs (Collaboration: Leiden University, BIT, TUD)
- T. Deng, and X. Li, Air Quality Forecast by Integrating
Machine Learning with Data Assimilation (Collaboration: TNO, TUD, Shandong
- Z.
Chen, (Collaboration: Leiden University, TUD)
- Z. Yuan, Improving Retrieval of
Satellite Data using Data Assimilation and Deep Learning Methods
(Collaboration: Leiden University, SRON)
PhD dissertation in AI, Data Assimilation:
Air Quality, Renewable Energy and Mobility (2017-2024)
J. Verkaik,
Facilitating and enabling large-scale, hyper-resolution, groundwater modeling with distributed-memory parallel computing, Promotores: M.F.P. Bierkens, H.X.
Lin, co-pomotor: G.H.P. Oude-Essink, 2024, Utrecht University
S. Wang, Modeling Urban Automated Mobility on-Demand Systems: an Agent-based
Approach, Promotor: H.X. Lin, co-promotor: G.H. Correia, 2023, TU Delft
X. Zhong, Sheltering 10 billion
people in a warming and resource-scarce world: challenges and opportunities, Promotores: H.X. Lin, A. Tukker, 2023, Leiden University
X. Wang, Improving
Global Tide and Storm Surge Forecast, Promotores: H.X. Lin, M.
Verlaan, 2022, TU Delft
A. van Rossum, Nonparametric Bayesian Methods in Robotics, 2021, Promotores: J. van den Herik, H.X. Lin, 2021,
Leiden University
X. Cong, DATA-DRIVEN Surrogate-assisted Reservoir History Matching, January 2021, Promotores: A.W. Heemink, H.X.
Lin, TU Delft
J. Jin, Dust Storm Emission
Inversion using Data Assimilation, December 2019, Promotores:
H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink, TU Delft
Y. Gu, Automatic Emotion Recognition from Mandarin
Speech, November 2018, Promotores: E. Postma, J. van
den Herik, H.X. Lin, Tilburg University
K. Xi, Power System
Stability and Frequency Control for Transient Performance Improvement, June
2018, Promotores: H.X. Lin, J.H. van Schuppen, co-promotor: J. Dubbedlam,
TU Delft
S. Lu, Variational Data Assimilation of Satellite
Observations to Estimate Volcanic Ash Emissions, March 2017, Promotores: H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink,
TU Delft
G. Fu, Improving Volcanic Ash Forecasts with
Ensemble-based Data Assimilation, January 2017, Promotores:
H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink, TU Delft
MSc thesis in AI (2018-2021)
van Hemert, Using Artificial Intelligence for Aerosol Data Assimilation, 2022,
TU Delft
Tycho Jongenelen,
P.O. Sturm, Advecting Superspecies - Reduced
order modeling of organic aerosols in LOTOSEUROS using
machine learning, 2021, TU Delft
B.X. van
Leeuwen, Deepfake Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Working - Towards Understanding the Effects of Design Choices, 2020, TU Delft
R. Hegeman, Predicting the air quality by combining
model simulation with machine learning, 2020, TU Delft
T. Ament, GPU Implementation of Grid Search based
Feature Selection - Using Machine Learning to Predict Hydrocarbons using High
Dimensional Datasets, 2020, TU Delft
J. Huang, Machine Learning
Based Error Modelling for surrogate model in Oil Reservoir Problem, 2019, TU
S. Guan, PM2.5
concentration predication and early warning system of extreme condition based
on the long short term memory recurrent neural network, 2018, TU Delft
Y. Xie, Deep Learning Architectures for PM2.5 and
Visibility Predictions, 2018, TU Delft