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A multi-block message from host to node consists of entire subdomain virt
arrays for all the local blocks on the target node.
Therefore, routine issnddhs
does nothing more then send all
the subdomain virt arrays on the host to the nodes and
does nothing more then receive these entire arrays
and copy them to the virt arrays on the node.
Each sub message has the form:

The informative part consists of integers:
- iblock
- number of the target block
- itrans
- type of the transported quantity
- ilev
- time level at which this transport of information occurs.
The data part consists of the entire
virt array for quantity itrans and
time level ilev.
The last of these sub messages consists of only
an informative part with iblock = 0.
ISNaS ontwikkeling
Tue May 23 12:05:54 METDST 1995