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Lowering the subdomain accuracy of solution


Table 1 lists the iteration counts and computation times () for the three problems. The global grid consists of grid cells and it was divided into subdomains. The first two rows concern the algorithm for accurate solution of subdomains. The iteration counts for extremely accurate subdomain solution with tolerance and are the same. From this we conclude that the subdomain solution accuracy with tolerance is accurate enough for this algorithm and test problem.

Table 1: Lowering the accuracy of subdomain solution. I is the algorithm for accurate solution of subdomains, II for inaccurate solution using GMRES, III is for IBLUD

The other rows are for the GCR based algorithm. Note that in the special case of IBLUD postconditioning we have also listed the more efficient GMRES acceleration. As the subdomain solution accuracy is lowered the number of iterations increases only slightly. Because of this the computing time drops significantly for lower subdomain accuracies. Only for the special case of IBLUD postconditioning, the number of iterations is significantly higher. This rise in number of iterations does however not outweigh the reduction in work by computing only instead of doing GMRES. The computing time with IBLUD postconditioning is by far the lowest. Note that the amount of additional work in GCR acceleration compared to GMRES acceleration can be significant. The only difference with GMRES is that GCR needs some additional vector updates and requires some more memory. A more efficient implementation, see [25], will certainly be considered for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Mathematically, the algorithms are the same for IBLUD postconditioning.

An important observation is that the GCR algorithm for inaccurate solution of subdomains requires fewer iterations than the algorithm for accurate subdomain solution using the same subdomain solution accuracy. To show that this difference is not caused by the different definition of the residual, we compare the computed solutions of the Poisson equation with the exact solution .

Table 2 shows the maximum norms and 2-norms of the difference with the exact solution. The 2-norm is defined as . Clearly, the solutions obtained with both algorithms have approximately the same accuracy. Only for large subdomain accuracy (giving very large computing time) the algorithm for accurate solution of subdomains gives a more accurate solution. This verifies our earlier claim that the solution obtained with GMRES acceleration used with accurate solution of subdomains is sensitive to the subdomain solution accuracy. This sensitivity is not present with the GCR based acceleration procedure used with inaccurate solution of subdomains.

Table 2: Accuracy of the solution to the Poisson problem using (I) the algorithm for accurate solution of subdomains, (II) the algorithm for inaccurate solution of subdomains using GMRES and (III) for IBLUD

We see that with inaccurate solution of subdomains by ILUD (the IBLUD postconditioning), we can reduce computing time is reduced by a factor 2-6 compared to accurate solution of subdomains. In [6], a comparison between accurate and inaccurate solution was made based on the number of iterations only. This led to the conclusion that the simple accelerated Schwarz algorithm using accurate subdomain solution was a competitive method compared to single-domain ILU preconditioned GMRES. The basis of analysis in the present paper is that we do less work per iteration and therefore we allow some more iterations. Therefore, although the number of iterations is machine and implementation independent it should not be used as a basis for comparison. Computing time is more suitable to compare algorithms but may give different results depending on the implementation and machine architecture.

The most impressive reductions of computing time are obtained for the Poisson equation, which is also the most expensive part of the multi-block Navier-Stokes problem, see [4]. For the difficult recirculating flow problem we obtain a reduction of a factor of 2. The simpler uniform flow problem shows a reduction of a factor of 4.

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ISNaS ontwikkeling
Thu Jun 1 10:46:16 METDST 1995