by Jos van Kan.
Playing Imps you hold as west in 4th seat, all vulnerable
and partner opens in
second seat with 1. RHO overcalls 1
and you have just enough for a negative double. This earns little respect
from LHO, who jumps to 3, partner passes
and RHO goes to game. So the bidding has been:
west |
north |
east |
south |
-- |
pass |
1 |
1 |
X |
3 |
pass |
4 |
pass |
pass |
pass |
You lead K and the dummy comes
down with
Partner encourages with 8, you
continue Clubs and partner wins with Q
as declarer follows to both rounds (with 4 and 6). Partner now surprisingly
switches to T, won in dummy with
the Q and declarer continues with
a second round of trumps on which partner tosses a ,
as declarer wins the Ace. Declarer continues with Q
from hand.
Who has A? Who has Q?
How many Clubs does partner have at least?
Who has 9?
How many tricks does declarer have? <br> a) if partner has 6 clubs
<br> b) if partner has 5 clubs
How do you defend?
copyright © 1997 by Jos van Kan. All rights reserved.