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The array smsg (sub message) is a one dimensional array which stores the virtual unknowns for a certain sub face. The type of the virtual unknowns is determined by the itrans parameter. The sub message smsg is manipulated by the routines isddput , isddget , isddvput , isddvget . To describe smsg consider as an example the second sub face of the following lower boundary of a block in Fig. 11.

Figure 11: Unknowns stored in a multi-block sub message

An itrans variable determines the contents of smsg:

itrans = 1
all fluxes in Fig. 11 marked i
itrans = 2
all fluxes in Fig. 11 marked b
all pressure/transport unknowns in Fig. 11 marked i

In the case itrans = 1, the tangential fluxes occur before the normal fluxes. If a subface consists of len grid cells then smsg consists of len unknowns for itrans > 1 and 2*len+1 for itrans = 1.

ISNaS ontwikkeling
Tue May 23 12:05:54 METDST 1995