For the spatial discretization, we use a finite volume method employing a staggered grid and central discretization. The normal velocity components are located at the centers of the faces of the cell and the pressure unknowns are located at the centers of the cells, see Figure 1.
Figure 1: Arrangement of unknowns in a staggered grid
For the time discretization, the implicit Euler method is used. With and representing the algebraic vectors of velocity and pressure unknowns at time , we get
where (1) represents the momentum equations and (2) represents the incompressibility condition . The matrix M represents the linearized spatial discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations around time level n, G is the discretized gradient operator and D is the discretized divergence operator on a staggered grid. Figure 2 shows the discretization stencils.
Figure 2: Discretization stencils: discretization of divergence operator D,
x-component of momentum equations and x component of
gradient matrix .
The pressure correction method [29,16,47] is used to solve (1) and (2). The pressure correction method consists of three steps. In the first step, an estimate of is computed by solving (1) with the pressure fixed at the old time level:
In the second step, the pressure correction is solved from
The last step consists of correcting the pressure: and computing satisfying the incompressibility condition (2)