Applied Numerical Mathematics (CH3131a)
This webpage is dedicated to the course Applied Numerical Mathematics (CH3131a) .
Course Prerequisites
This course assumes students to be familiar with:
- Course Prerequisites
Basic notions of calculus of a function in one variable (derivative, integral, Taylor sequences) and
more variables (partial derivatives, surface and volume integrals), Fourier series
and numerical methods (difference formula and quadrature);
Link to the course 4052NUMTEY taught be Ferdinand Grozema.
Expand this part to a refreshers and/or online courses?
Two Day Matlab Introduction
This part is relevant to the Matlab introduction given during the first two days.
Part 2 of the Course taught by D. Lahaye
Boundary and Initial Value Problems
- One-dimensional elliptic boundary value problem:
problem statement, difference approximation to the derivative, stencil, matrix,
handling of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, linear system solve
recap on sparse matrices and linear systems .
- One-dimensional (space) parabolic (time) boundary value problem:
problem statement, difference approximation to the space and time derivative,
semi-discrete linear system, time integration
recap on ODEs.
- Two-dimensional elliptic boundary value problem:
as one-dimensional case plus construction of discrete operator using the tensor product,
extension with a convective term
- Iterative Methods for Linear Systems:
Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, CG, PCG and GMRES
- not in this course :
hyperbolic PDEs
Fitting Problems to Data
- Linear interpolation (interp), polynomial interpolation (polyfit) and splines (spline)
- Continuous and discrete Fourier transform
- Linear and Non-Linear Least squares fit
system of normal equations in linear case (beware what linear refers to), sum of squares
minimizes by fminunc in the non-linear case.
Optimization Methods
- Unconstrained gradient-based:
one-dimensional case, multi-dimensional case, recap on root finding Newton's method
- Derivative free methods: genetic algorithms, selection, cross-over (or mating) and mutation
(ga, traveling_salesman_demo)
- Constrained gradient-based
Tutorials and Homework Assignments
One-dimensional finite fifference method for the Poisson equation on the unit interval.
Two-dimensional finite difference method for the Poisson equation on the unit square.
Exam Matrix
Previous Exams
This page is maintained by Domenico Lahaye.