Kaihua Xi

Delft Insitute of Applied Mathematics

Delft University of Technology

Mourik Broekmanweg 6, 2628XE, Delft, The Netherlands

Office: E2-420, DIAM.

Phone: +31687565977 (The Netherlands), +8613688622264 (China)

Email: k.xi@tudelft.nl, kaihua_xi@yahoo.com.

Kaihua Xi

Research Interest

Control and stability analysis of power systems, Power flow calculations;

Control theory, Control of network systems, Optimization;

High performance computing of large-scale systems, Numerical analysis of PDEs;

Scientific computing in oil reservior simulations.

Education & Work Experiences

2013.10-Now, PhD study, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology;

2010.07-2013.09, Research Assistant, the School of Mathematics, Shandong University;

2007.09-2010.07, Master Study, Computational Mathematics, the School of Mathematics, Shandong University;

2003.09-2007.07, Undergraduate Study, Shandong Normal University.

Selected publications

1. Jan H. van Schuppen, Kaihua Xi, Jana Nemcova. "A subalgebraic Procedure for System Identification of a Continuous-Time Polynomial System", Under review (2018).

2. Kaihua Xi*, Hai Xiang Lin, Chen Shen, Jan H. van Schuppen. "Multi-Level Power-Imbalance Allocation Control for Secondary Frequency Control of Power Systems", Under review (2017).

3. Kaihua Xi*, Hai Xiang Lin, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Jan H. van Schuppen. "Power-Imbalance Allocation Control of Power Systems-Secondary Frequency Control", Automatica (2018), accepted as a regular paper.

4. Kaihua Xi*, Hai Xiang Lin, Jan H. van Schuppen. "Power-Imbalance Allocation Control of Power Systems-A frequency Bound for Time-Varing Loads", In Proc. of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, 10528-10533 (2017)

5. Kaihua Xi*, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Hai Xiang Lin, Jan H. van Schuppen "Power-Imbalance Allocation Control for Secondary Frequency Control of Power Systems", In Proc. of the 20th IFAC world congress, Toulouse, France, 4382-4387 (2017)

6. Kaihua Xi*, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Jan H. van Schuppen "Synchronization of Cyclic Power Grids: Equilibria and Stability of the Synchronous State", Chaos 27, 013019(2017)

Presentations in International Conferences

1. Power-Imbalance Allocation Control of Power System-A frequency Bound for Time-Varying Loads, the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, 25-28 July, 2017.

2. Power-Imbalance Allocation Control for Secondary Frequency Control of Power System, the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-15 July, 2017.

3. Distributed Power-Imbalance Allocation Control of Power Systems, the 36th BeNeLux Meeting, SPA, Belgium, March, 2017.

4. Equilibria Distribution of Cyclic Power Systems, Conference on Complex Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September, 2016.

Research Cooperations

Hai Xiang Lin (TUDelft), Jan H. van Schuppen (TUDelft), Johan L. A. Dubbeldam (TUDelft), Chen Shen (Tsinghua Univ.) Aijie Cheng (Shandong Univ.), Tongchao Lu (Shandong Univ.)


1. Control and Stability Analysis of Power Systems, PhD project. Advisors: Hai Xiang Lin, Jan H. van Schuppen, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam. Delft University of Technology, 2013-now.

2. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Technology for Shenli Oil Field with Extremely-High Water Production. National Major Project, 12th Five-year Plan, Shandong University, China, 2010-2013.

3. Fast Algorithm for Simulations of Chemical Flooding for High-Temperature and High-Salinity Oil Reserviors. National Major Project, 11th Five-year Plan. Shandong University, China, 2008-2010.