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Invariant finite volume discretization

In discretizing the governing equations (2.8)-(2.12), the following requirements should be met for accuracy reasons:

  1. The geometric identity should be satisfied after discretization.
  2. When representing a constant velocity field in terms of its contravariant components , and recomputing from , the original vector field should be recovered exactly.
The first requirement imposes rules on the approximation of geometric quantities. The second requirement can be met if the flux components are chosen as unknowns. More details can be found in [Mynett et al., 1991], [Wesseling et al., 1992] and [Segal et al., 1992].

A finite volume method is used to discretize the governing equations on a staggered grid in the computational rectangle G. In G we choose a uniform grid, choosing the mapping such that the mesh-size . Figure 3.1 shows the locations of the points for the velocities and pressure p in the grid.

Figure 3.1: Arrangement of the unknowns for a staggered grid

The turbulence quantities k and are evaluated at pressure points. For brevity the momentum and k- equations are written in the following form:








Here, and represents the nonlinear source terms. For convenience we introduce the local cell coordinates given by Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: Local cell coordinates

Discretization of the continuity equation is obtained by integration over a finite volume with center (0,0), using (2.5):

The momentum equation (3.1) is discretized in space as follows, taking for example a -cell with center at (1,0), using (2.6):


Integration of the momentum equation with over a -cell with center (0,1) is done similarly.

Using (2.5), the transport equation (3.3) is integrated over a pressure cell with center (0,0) which yields


The right-hand sides of (3.1) and (3.3) are integrated using midpoint rules:


with if or if .

The discretization is completed by substituting (3.2) in (3.6) and (3.4) in (3.7). Furthermore, is replaced by . The cell-face fluxes containing cell-face values (convection) and derivatives (diffusion) have to be approximated. Central differences will be employed, except for the convection of turbulence equations in which a hybrid central/upwind scheme [Spalding, 1972] will be adopted. The reason for this is as follows. The k- equations are highly nonlinear and coupled. As a consequence, the computational task is complicated, because numerical experiments have shown that the convergence of iterative methods, to solve this coupled nonlinear problem, is adversely affected by negative values of k and which occur when convection is approximated by a non-positive (e.g. central) scheme. Using the hybrid scheme, the approximation of the face value at point (1,0), for example, is given by

where and are given by

Furthermore, the mesh-Péclet number is defined by


If , a first order upwind scheme is used, otherwise a switch to central differences is applied. The switching function is defined as

Non-orthogonal coordinates introduce mixed derivatives in diffusion terms, which make the scheme non-positive even when upwind discretization is applied. Many authors (e.g. Rhie and Chow (1983), Demirdzic et al. (1987) and Melaaen (1991)) treat these derivatives in an explicit manner, i.e. calculating them from values obtained in the previous iteration, but we found that our iterative solver allows to treat the mixed derivatives implicitly. Nonetheless, in some circumstances (highly non-orthogonal grid or large non-alignment of grid lines and streamlines) this scheme may produce numerical instability. In such cases certain precautions will have to be taken; for a discussion see [Zijlema, 1993].

The discretization of the production of turbulent energy (2.13) is carried out by substituting (2.4) in (2.13) and with central differencing. Again, is replaced by . In spite of the presence of Christoffel symbols numerical experiments have shown that this discretization gives good results on reasonable smooth grids.

The discretization of the -momentum equation results in the 19-point stencil presented in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3: Stencil for -momentum equation

The stencil is obtained by rotation over . The total number of variables linked together in the transport equation is 9.

Implementation of boundary conditions for the momentum and transport equations is discussed in [Segal et al., 1992] and [Zijlema, 1993]. Also discussion about the implementation of periodic as well as antiperiodic boundary conditions in our code can be found in [Segal et al., 1993].

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Fri May 26 14:01:30 METDST 1995