Domain decomposition iteration (10) is typically implemented as
where the right-hand side term represents the discretization of the internal boundary conditions, which is always exact, and the left-hand side term indicates solution of the subdomain problems using some type of solver, which was assumed accurate enough in the previous section.
In general, the stationary solution of (20) satisfies the perturbed equations instead of Au = f. Since with inaccurate subdomain solution, the difference between and N may be quite large, the computed solution u may have a very large error. Since the algorithm of the previous section relies on (20), we may not use this procedure with inaccurate solution of subdomain problems. Instead we must use
for which the stationary solution u always satisfies Au = f.
With inaccurate subdomain solution, we have
with the Gauss-Seidel (sequential/multiplicative) version and the Jacobi (parallel/additive) version of . The matrices represent inaccurate subdomain solution. The matrix vector product is computed like
where, for instance, represents an approximate solution in subdomain 1 with a low accuracy. Another possibility is to take to be some incomplete LU factorization of , see further on.
The GMRES subdomain solution implicitly constructs a polynomial of the subdomain matrix such that the final residual is minimal in the Euclidean norm. Specifically, with initial guess and right-hand side , we get for the final subdomain solution . Since the polynomial depends on both the required accuracy and the right-hand side (initial residual), the matrix can be different for each v. Therefore, GMRES acceleration cannot be used since the preconditioner varies in each step. Only for the case we may apply GMRES acceleration, but we still apply GCR in this case.