Modeling of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in MRI Using
a Volume Integral Equation Approach
Kirsten Koolstra
Supervisors TU Delft: Martin van Gijzen and Rob Remis
Site of the project:
TU Delft and Leiden University
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
Gorter Center for High-field MRI
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden
Daily supervisors Leiden University: Wyger Brink and Andrew Webb
start of the project: January 2015
In April 2015 the
Interim Thesis
has appeared and a
has been given.
The Master project has been finished in September 2015
by the completion of the
Masters Thesis
and a final
has been given.
For working address etc. we refer to our
Summary of the master project:

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