Research projects funded by NWO

FlexFloat − Efficient hydroelastic loading and response modelling of Very Felxible Floating Structures (190002)

The scientific goal is to understand and model the nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction of Very Flexible Floating Structures (VFFS) in waves and to implement these models into numerical tools for practical engineering use.

Project leader

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schreier


14/06/2022 - present


Jingya Li, Hugo Verhelst (PostDoc)

Quantum leaps in universal quantum computer simulation (OCENW.XS.064)

Quantum computing is a disruptive technology that will change the way we will be solving computational problems in the coming decades. Since physical quantum computers are still rare, simulators are used to develop new quantum algorithms, but their capabilities are limited due to excessive memory demands and computing times. This project will explore a new paradigm for the efficient simulation of many-qubit quantum algorithms. It develops custom number systems tailored to the needs of circuit-based simulators to reduce memory consumption and exploit the full power of modern computers. Its applicability will be demonstrated by implementing a proof-of-concept open-source simulation framework.


15/04/2020 - 15/04/2021

Personnel Nauman Ahmed (PostDoc)