Supervised PostDoc projects
Ongoing PostDoc projects
dr. Ye Ji, Advanced (re-)parameterization techniques
for industrial applications, 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
Finished PostDoc projects
- Hugo Verhelst, FlexFloat − Efficient
hydroelastic loading and response modelling of Very
Felxible Floating Structures, NWO-funded PostDoc
project, project leader dr. Sebastian Schreier, 01/11/2023
- 31/10/2024
- Arnoud Delissen, Multi-GPU high-performance
computing framework for ultra high-resolution structural
topology optimization, DCSE-funded PostDoc project,
project leader prof. Matthijs Langelaar, 04/2022 -
dr. ir. Nauman Ahmed, Quantum leaps in universal
quantum computer simulation, NWO-funded Klein XS
project OCENW.XS.064, 04/2020 - 04/2021