Supervised master projects

Ongoing master projects

  1. Airfoil shape optimization using LBM-LES coupling and adjoint approach (Alvaro Baillet Bolivar, supervisor together with Richard Dwight, TU Delft LR)
  2. Performance comparison of MPS/MPO based quantum computer emulators (Daniel Maroto Sanchez)
  3. Quantum machine learning for data-driven RANS (Friso Meeusen, TU/e external)
  4. Multi-object tracking with quantum annealing (Mirte van Loenen)
  5. Quantum annealing-based algorithm for lattice gas automata (Willow Strey)
  6. Quantum generative neural networks (Kristian Gogora)
  7. Quantum lattice Boltzmann methods (Erio Duong)

Finished master projects

  1. Discrete topology optimization for quantum dot devices (Julian Sanders, supervisor together with Anton Akhmerov, finished February 2025)
  2. QAOA Mixing Hamiltonians for MinVertexCover (Tim Driebergen, supervisor together with David de Laat, Thesis finished January 2023)
  3. A New Contact Method for Simcenter Madymo: Contact Method based on IsoGeometric Analysis (Jingya Li, supervisor together with Hassan Tazammourti and Göktürk Kuru (Siemens), Thesis finished January 2023)
  4. Improving the stability of the B-spline material point method: Using extended and truncated hierarchical B-splines (Stijn Ruiter, supervisor together with Deepesh Toshniwal, Thesis finished December 2022)
  5. PINNs for parametrized problems (Frank van Ruiten, supervisor together with Deepesh Toshniwal, Thesis finished December 2022)
  6. Topology optimization and physics-informed neural networks for metamaterial optics design (Dylan Everingham, supervisor together with Aurele Adam, Thesis finished August 2022)
  7. Stabilizing convection-dominated flow problems using neural networks based on flux-limiting techniques (Rana Sannia UI Haq, supervisor together with Deepesh Toshniwal, Thesis finished August 2022)
  8. Physics-informed deep learning for computational fluid flow analysis: Coupling of physics-informed neural networks and autoencoders for aerodynamic flow predictions on variable geometries (Samarth Kakkar, supervisor together with Rene Pecnik and William Jennings (Monolith AI), Thesis finished August 2022)
  9. Designing free-form optics for multiple-source illumination using differentiable ray-tracing and neural networks (Bart de Koning, supervisor together with Aurele Adam, Thesis finished August 2022)
  10. Diffractive optical elements are all you need: Designing an optical system using physics-informed and data-driven methods (Marek Oerlemans, supervisor together with Aurele Adam, Thesis finished July 2022)
  11. QPack: A cross-platform quantum benchmark-suite (Huub Donkers, supervisor together with Zaid Al-Ars, Thesis finished July 2022)
  12. Quantum annealing for seismic imaging: Exploring quantum annealing possibilities for residual statics estimation using the D-Wave Advantage System and hybrid solver (Stan van der Linde, supervisor together with Frank Phillipson and Niels Neumann (TNO) and Marcin DuKalski and Diego Rovetta (Aramco Overseas), Thesis finished November 2021)
  13. QPack: QAOA as scalable application-level quantum benchmark (Koen Mesman, supervisor together with Zaid Al-Ars, Thesis finished September 2021)
  14. Variational quantum linear solver for finite element problems: a Poisson equation test case (Enrico Cappanera, supervisor together with Marc Gerritsma, Thesis finished September 2021)
  15. A practical quantum algorithm for solving structural optimization problems: a proof-of-concept! (J de Zoete, supervisor together with Boyang Chen, Thesis finished September 2021)
  16. Mimetic isogeometric modeling and discretization of compressible Euler flows (Sebastiaan van Schie, supervisor together with Deepesh Toshniwal and Marc Gerritsma, Thesis finished September 2021)
  17. Resource optimal executable quantum circuit generation using approximate computing (Smaran Adarsh, supervisor together with Zaid Al-Ars, Thesis finished July 2021)
  18. Physics Informed Neural Networks, A new approach for the solution of PDEs (Fernando Wanguemert Guerra, supervisor together with Richard Ahlfeld and Will Jennings (Monolith AI), Thesis finished July 2021)
  19. High-order discretization of hyperbolic equations: Characterization of an isogeometric discontinuous Galerkin method (Miquel Herrera Clapera, supervisor together with Stefan Hickel, Thesis finished June 2021)
  20. Learning based hardware-centric quantum circuit generation (Merel Schalkers, supervisor together with David de Laat, Thesis finished May 2021)
  21. Implementations of quantum algorithms for solving linear systems equations (Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Thesis finished January 2021, link)
  22. Modelling Large Membrane-Like Structures in the Ocean Environment An Application of Isogeometric Analysis on Fluid-Structure Interaction (Hugo Verhelst, supervisor together with Fred Vermolen, Thesis finished July 2019, link)
  23. Image Segmentation of the gamma'-Phase in Nickel-base Superalloys utilizing Deep Learning (Franziska Riegger, supervisor together with Julian von Lautz and Hendrik Kramer from MTU Aero Engines, Thesis finished January 2019, link)
  24. Towards a Material Point Method with Powell-Sabin spline basis functions: MPM with higher-order C1-continuous basis functions on triangulations (Pascal de Koster, supervisor together with Vahid Galavi from Deltares, Thesis finished August 2018, project description)
  25. Solving Poisson's equation using dataflow computing (Ruben van Nieuwpoort, supervisor together with Georgi Gaydadjiev, Thesis finished December 2017, project description, link)
  26. High performance data traversal: Cache aware computing with space filling curve (Sagar Dolas, supervisor together with Vahid Galavi from Deltares, Thesis finished August 2017, project description, link)
  27. Multi-patch discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis for porous media flow (Kenny David, supervisor, Thesis finished January 2017 , project description, link)
  28. High-order material point method (Roel Tielen, supervisor together with Lars Beuth from Deltares, Thesis finished July 2016, project description, link)
  29. Compatible isogeometric discretizations for the incompressible Euler equations (Stevie-Ray Janssen, supervisor together with Mark Gerritsma from Aerospace Engineering TU Delft, Thesis finished November 2016, link)
  30. Isogeometric analysis for a reaction-diffusion model of human brain development (Jochen Hinz, supervisor together with Fred Vermolen, Thesis finished January 2016, link)
  31. Towards a multiscale discrete particle model for stability prediction of granular flood defences (Jakob Maljaars, co-supervisor, Thesis finished January 2016)
  32. Application of the algebraic flux correction algorithm to a one-dimensional water flood model (Prakhar Agarwal, co-supervisor, start November 2014, project description, link)
  33. Isogeometric analysis for compressible flows with application in turbomachinery (Andrzej Jaeschke, supervisor, Thesis finished August 2015, project description, link)
  34. Numerical methods for differential algebraic equations (Kristin Altmann, co-supervisor, Thesis finished February 2015, project description, link)
  35. Untersuchungen einer Brinkmann-Penalty-Methode kombiniert mit hochauflösendem FEM-FCT zur Approximativen Lösung der kompressiblen Euler-Gleichungen (Malte Schuh, supervisor, finished December 2015, TU Dortmund)